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Veganuary With Us

Veganuary is a great time to make a delicious change! 🤤

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Brand Crossovers in Taiwan

Collaborative dishes with 10+ restaurants

In response to the global Veganuary challenge in January, we partnered with over 10 brands ranging from five-star hotels, Michelin-starred dining restaurants, to trendy bistros and artisan coffee shops.

Together, we are launching innovative Lypid plant-based meat dishes that showcase the culinary expertise of chefs and create stunning and palatable no-meat delights.

Find Our Restaurant Partners With This Map

Future Food For The Planet

Lypid in the U.S.

Promoting Plant-Based Menus to 5 Schools

We are excited to collaborate with ​The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)​ and Veganuary to provide delicious and nutritious Lypid Plant-Based Braised Pork Belly to students at 5 U.S. universities and 1 high school.  Stay tuned for the announcement!

What Is Veganuary?

A Global Challenge In January

Veganuary is an annual challenge initiated by a UK non-profit organization. It encourages people to embrace a conscious lifestyle by adopting a vegan diet and way of living in January. Since its inception in 2014, it has become a global annual event with over 3 million participants worldwide.🌱

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